
(jair2018) #1
CSODE User's Guide 509

Table A.1 Intrinsic Basic Functions

Function Mathematical Comments
Notation Notation

abs(x) lxl Absolute value function

atn(x) Arctan x Arctangent function

cos(x) cosx Cosine function
x must be in radians

exp(x) ex Exponential function

int(x) [[x]] Greatest integer function

log(x) lnx Natural logarithm function
x must be positive

sin(x) sinx Sine function
x must be in radians

sgn(x) sgn x Signum function

sqr(x) Vx Square root function

tan(x) tanx Tangent function
x must be in radians

REMAR KS: Constants such as 3 must be input in function definitions as
3 or 3.0 and may not be input as 3., since the function compiler expects at
least one digit following a decimal point.

A value for 7r, accurate to the number of significant digits required by the
computer you are using, can be obtained with the expression 4.0*atn(l.O).

Additional standard mathematical functions can b e written in BASIC by
making use of the built-in functions and algebraic operations. Some math-
ematical functions and BASIC expressions for their computation appear in
Table A.2.

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