
(jair2018) #1

522 Ordinary Differential Equations

o;; SOLVESYS J!!ifill!!i

Ymin"--~,.....:.~~-'- 1 ~~~l~~-'-~~'--~-'"~~-'-~~~I~~-'-~--'
Xmin yl--blacl< y2···blue y3-·green y4·-cyan ,S.··red y6···magenla Xmax

Figure A.15 Graph of the Solution' Components of the System IVP (3)

An Information for Graphing box and values for the horizontal range [Hmin,
Hmax] and vertical range [Vmin, Vmax] are displayed. In this instance, the
values which appeared were Hmin = l.121107E+00, Hmax = 2.000000E+OO,
Vmin = 0, and Vmax = 2.743130E + 00. We click the OK button in the
Information for Graphing box. Since the problem instructed us to display the

phase-plane graph with Hmin = 0, Hmax = 5, Vmin = 0, and Vmax = 5,

we enter these values in the appropriate boxes and click the VERIFY HMIN,
HMAX, VMIN, VMAX button. This causes the graph shown in Figure A.16
to appear on the monitor.

After viewing the phase-plane graph, we click the OPTIONS button above
the top right hand side of the graph. This causes the set of options to appear
again. The third option prints the solution components on the monitor. By
sliding the button on the right side of the Solution Values box up and down we
can view all solution values in the interval [a, b]. The fourth option allows us to
solve the same set of differential equations, change the interval of integration,
change the initial conditions, or both. The fifth option allows us to restart

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