
(jair2018) #1
CSODE User's Guide 523

o;; SOLVESYS lf!il!Jlf.3
Enter the interval of integration [a, b[ and the initial value c.
N= 2 •=L 0 _ b=I 2.5 c7[ 0
Enter the s~stem defining functions Fl , F2 •... , FN Enter in""it~ial'"v---;al'-ue-s.""'
y'l =Fl = 13 '~2-2'l'1·2-1 d 1 = j 2

Horizontal Ra e
Hmin= 0

y'2=F2= B'yl-yZl-7 d2='---...--" Hmax= '----....1

Vertical Range
Vmin• I 0
Vma• =I

Hmin Hmax

Figure A.16 Phase-Plane Graph of Y2 versus Y1 for the System IVP (3)
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