
(jair2018) #1


Abel, Niels Henrik, 192
absolute error, 76
Adams, John Couch, 73, 97
Adams-Bashforth formulas, 99
Adams-Bashforth methods, 97- 100
Adams-Moulton formulas, 101
Adams-Moulton methods, 101
adaptive method, 93
AIDS, 478 - 480
Ampere, Andre Marie, 278
amplitude of oscillation, 282
analytic geometry, 1- 2
antiderivative, 3, 117
arc length
curve given parametrically, 122
polar coordinates, 121
rectangular coordinates, 120
Archimedes, 1
between two curves, 120 - 121
curve given parametrically, 122
polar coordinates, 121
surface of revolution, 120
under a curve, 120
arms race
runaway, 412
stable, 412
unstable, 412
associated homogeneous linear
differential equation, 182
associated homogeneous system,
asymptotically stable critical point,
418, 421, 424
asymptotically stable node, 421

asymptotically unstable critical
point, 425
autonomous system of differential
equations, 417
auxiliary equation, 203
complex roots, 207 - 210
distinct real roots, 203 - 204
repeated real roots, 204 - 207

Barrow, Isaac, 2
barycentric coordinate system, 494
Bashforth, Francis, 73, 97
BASIC, 499 - 500, 508 -5 10 , 525 - 526
functions, 509 - 510
operations, 508
cantilevered, 307
clamped, 306
ideal, 303
pinned end, 306
simply supported, 306
Bernoulli, Daniel, 5, 138, 203 , 416
Bernoulli, Johann, 79
block diagram, 301
boundary conditions, 21 - 22
boundary value problem, 21 - 22


c-time delay function, 260
Cardano (Cardan), Girolamo,
190 - 192, 199
cardioid, 124
carrying capacity, 134
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, 4
center, 425

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