
(jair2018) #1
Eckert, J. Presper, 74
EIGEN, 357 - 362, 499, 504 - 507
eigenvalue, 349
multiplicity m, 350
eigenvector, 349
normalized, 349
electrical circuits, 278 - 281
path of, 300 - 301, 392 - 397
epicycloid, 128


epidemic models, 138 - 142, 470 - 480
with inoculation, 476 - 478
epitrochoid, 128
equality of matrices, 337
equilibrium point, 418
absolute, 76
discretization, 79
formula, 79
percentage relative, 76
relative, 76
round-off, 75
truncation, 79
essential parameters, 18
Euler, Leonhard, 73, 84 , 191 , 203,
Euler load, 309
Euler's formula, 84, 208
Euler's method, 73 , 82- 85
improved, 86- 88
modified, 89
existence and uniqueness theorem
linear first-order initial value
problem, 52
linear n-th order initial value
problem, 165 , 327
n-th order initial value problem,
existence of n linearly independent
solutions to n-th order homogen-
eous linear equations, 179


existence theorem for the Laplace
transform, 232
existence theorems, 33 - 34, 165
first-order initial value problem,
homogeneous linear system, 367
explicit solution, 58
exponential order, 231

falling bodies, 142 - 146
family of solutions, 17
one-parameter, 17
two-parameter, 18
fan fa, 193
Faraday, Michael, 278
Fehlberg, Erwin, 93
Fermat, Pierre de, 1-2, 127
Ferrari, Ludovico, 192
Ferro, Scipio del, 191
Fibonacci, Leonardo, 199
Fi or (Florido), Antonio Maria, 191
first-order initial value problem, 33
linear, 51
nonlinear, 51
folium of Descartes, 127
Fontana, Niccolo (Tartaglia), 191
forced motion, 292
damped, 293 - 295
undamped, 292 - 293
forcing function, 257
formula error, 79
Foucault, Jean Bernard Leon, 485
Foucault pendulum, 485 - 486
fourth order Runge-Kutta method,
89- 92
free motion, 281
damped, 283 - 285
undamped, 282 - 283
frequency, 283
c-time delay, 260
Dirac delta, 268
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