
(jair2018) #1

582 Ordinary Differential Equations

prey-predator system in which
young protected, 461- 462
principal of competitive exclusion,
Pythagoreans, 190

Quetelet , Lambert, 133

radioactive decay, 29 - 32
radiocarbon dating, 30
Raphson, Joseph, 193
Recorde, Robert, 189
Reed, Lowell, 133
reinforcement rate, 445
relative error, 76
relative removal rate, 472
removable discontinuity, 229
removal rate, 4 71
removeds, 4 70
representation theorem
homogeneous linear systems, 367
n-th order homogeneous linear
differential equation, 180
n-th order nonhomogeneous,
linear differential equation,
nonhomogeneous linear systems,
resonance, 293, 295
restricted three-body problem ,
494 - 498
Richardson, Lewis Fry, 407 - 408
Richardson's arms race
model, 407- 416
modified, 433 - 445
right-hand derivative, 11
RKF45, 94, 119
RLC circuit, 279 - 280
Roberval, Gilles, 2
root of a polynomial, 189
of multiplicity k , 205

rose curve, 124- 125
Roth, Peter, 192
round-off error, 75
row vector, 336
Ruffini, Paola, 192
runaway arms race, 412
Runge, Carl David Tolme, 73, 86
Runge-Kutta methods, 73


fourth order, 89 - 91
second order, 87

saddle point, 423, 426
second translation property, 261
separable equation, 58
sgn(x), 12
Shih-chieh, Chu, 193
signum function, 12
simple harmonic motion, 282
simple p endulum, 200 - 203, 275 - 276,
480 - 484
simultaneous linear equations
homogeneous, 342
nonhomogeneous, 342
single-step method, 77- 97
singular solution, 19
size of a matrix, 336
solution, 9
complementary, 183- 184, 371
explicit, 58
general, 19 , 368, 371
homogeneous linear first-order
equation, 65
homogeneous linear system, 368,
implicit, 58
linearly independent, 368
n-th order ordinary differential
equation, 8
nonhomogeneous linear first-
order equation, 68
nontrivial, 310
one-parameter family, 17
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