
(jair2018) #1
110 Chapter^2

is not empty. Hence the family of closed sets { G~ : a E I} has the finite
intersection property. However, from

LJ Ga= A

a EI

it follows, by taking complements with respect to A, that

n G~=0
a EI

This shows that if A is not compact, then not every infinite family of closed
sets with the finite intersection property has a nonempty intersection.
The concept of total boundedness, which is introduced by the following
definition, is clearly related to that of compactness.

Definition 2.37 Let (S, d) be a metric space. A set M C S is called

totally bounded iff for every E > 0 the set M can be covered by finitely

many open c;-neighborhoods Ne(x) with x E M.

Theorem 2.18 Any compact subset of a metric space is totally bounded.

Proof Let A be a compact subset of a metric space ( S, d). Clearly, LJ Ne(x)

is an open covering of A for every E > 0. By the compactness of A there

exists a finite subcover of A by €-neighborhoods.

Theorem 2.19 A totally bounded subset of a metric space (S, d) 1s

Proof If M C S is totally bounded, we have


MC LJ Ne(xk)


Let p1 and pz be any two points of M. Then we have

d(p1 , pz) < 2c + max d( x j , x k)

where j, k, E {l, 2, ... , n}, and we conclude that

6.(M) = supd(p1,p2):::; 2E +maxd(xj,Xk)

Remarks I. From Theorems 2.18 and 2.19 it follows that any compact
subset of a metric space is bounded. This gives an alternative proof of one
of the conclusions of Theorem 2.14.
II. The converse of Theorem 2.19 is not true in general, i.e., a bounded
subset of a metric space is not necessarily totally bounded.

Example Consider the so-called real sequential Hilbert space l 2 , namely,
the set of all real sequences x = {xn}~ such that 2:~ x; converges, with

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