
(jair2018) #1

'Elementary Functions 273

  1. e^2 krri = 1 ( k an integer)

  2. ezez' = ez+z' (additivity of exponents)

  3. lezl = ex,argez = y + 2k7r

  4. ez f:. 0 for every z

  5. ez+2k1ri = ez

Property 5 shows that the fm:1.ction w = ez is periodic with imaginary
periods 2k7ri. The smallest nontrivialt periods of ez in absolute value are

2ni and -2ni. We usually consider 2ni as the fundamental or primitive

period, in the sense that all other periods are integral multiples of 2ni. It is

clear that ez does not admit a nontrivial period smaller in absolute value
than 2ni, since e^2 >.7l'i = cos 2.h + i sin 2.h f:. 1 for 0 < ,\ < 1. In addition,
suppose that w = p + qi f:. 0 is a period of ez. Then ez+w = ez for every
z, and it follows that ew = 1, which implies that iewl = eP = 1, sop= 0.
Hence ew = eiq = cos q + i sin q = 1, giving q = 2kn and w = 2kni.
In view of the periodicity of the exponential function, to discuss geo-
metrically the mapping defined by w = ez it suffices to consider the values
assumed by w in any strip Sk = {z: (2k - l)n < Imz S (2k + l)n, k an
integer}, in particular in the strip

S 0 ={z: -n<Imzsn}
which will be called the fundamental strip (Fig. 5.23). We note that the
upper boundary y = 7r is regarded as belonging to S 0 , while the lower
boundary y = -'Tr does not, and similarly for the other strips.
To the horizontal line

L = {z: z = x + im, -oo < x < +oo, -'Tr < m S 7r}


      • -....?:rri - - - - --

Tri p

        • --37Ti - - - - - - -

Fig. 5.23

L' v


tzero, which is a period of every function, is called a trivial period, and it is
disregarded in discussing periodic functions.
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