has argument () ± 71", so that
f8±7r(z) = fz + fze-^2 i(fJ±7r) = f8(z)
From formula (6.7-7), namely,
we obtain
df = f z dz+ fz dz
df dz
dz = fz + fz dz
By taking d~ i:n the direction () we have dz = ldzlei^6 , dz = ldzle-i^6 , so
that dz/ dz == e-^2 ie. Hence
! = fz + fze.-^2 ;e = f8(z) (6.10-3)
Thus the directional derivative can be expressed as the ratio of the total
di;fferential df to the differential dz with argument eq~al tQ. the argument
of the tangent to the arc 'Y at z. We recall that if z == z(t) is the equati,0n
of the arc, then dz= z'(t)dt has argument (), and ldzl = ds is the so-call~d
differential of the arc.
Equation (6.10-3) can, be written in the form
dw = df = f8(z) dz (6X0-4)
which shows that the total differential of w = f(z) is the product -Of the
directional derivative times the differential of the independent V~lj'ia'ble with
argument ().
Let 'Y': w = w(t) =-f(z(t)), a :::; t :::; /3, be the image 0£· 1 under j.
Then we hav{:).
w'(t) = fzz'(t) + fzz'(t)
= (fz + fte-^2 i^6 )z'(t)
= f8(z)z'(t)
du= Jdwl = lfHz)lldzl = lfHz)I ds
argw'(t) = Argf8(z) + Argz'(t)
assuming that f8(z) i= 0. Thus we have proved the following:
Theorem 6.12 Under the mapping defined by f E 1'( A) the magliifica-
tion ratio of corresponding differential of arcs is given by lf8(z)I, ana the
direction of the original arc is rotated by the amount Arg f8( z) if f8( z) # 0.