Integration 479
Thus if we let p ---+ 0 in (7.17-7), we get
2i ff ( ~ z de dry= f {~~ d( - 27rif(z)
ft r+
f(z)= ~ff(() d(-~ ff -1.Ldedry
27l"Z ( - Z 71" j j ( -Z
r+ ft
By introducing the winding number !1r(z), we may write (7.17-8) in the
nr(z)f(z) = ~ f !(() d( - !1r(z) ff h de dry
27rz ( - z 7r J J ( -z
r ft
Formula (7.17-8) is due to D. Pompeiu [27]. If f is analytic in R, then
Ji; = 0 in R, and the formula reduces to the classical Cauchy's formula.
Analogous to (7.17-9), we have
nr(z)f(z) = - ~ f f(() ~( - !1r(z) ff _1, -de dry
27rz ( - z 7r J J ( -z
r ft
7.18 Cauchy's Formula for z on the Contour
Cauchy's integral (7.17-1), as well as any of its generalizations, is not de-
fined for z 0 E 0. However, this case may be interpreted in various ways as
a restricted limit, the result depending on the manner in which the limit is
taken. For instance, for the case referred to in Theorem 7.23, we have
lim -2
. f !~() d( = nc(z)f(zo)
z--no 7rZ - z
for z E Int 0, z 0 E 0, while
lim -^1 f f(()d( = O
z-+zo 27ri ( - z
for z E Ext O, z 0 E O.
On the other hand, if the limit is taken along the contour 0 some ad-
ditional assumptions are needed concerning 0, as well as to the manner in
which the limit is taken. Suppose that 0 is simple, closed, and piecewise