
(jair2018) #1

546 Chapter^8

which is precisely the product of the two series

1 +La~ Zn
n=l n.


Hence the use of the symbolic method is justified as far as any linear
combination or product of two series of the form (8.5-1) is concerned.

Examples 1. Consider f(z) = z/(ez - 1) for z -:/:- 0 and f(O) =
limz-.o z/(ez - 1) = 1. The function thus defined is analytic in C ex-

cept at the points Zk = 2k7ri (k = ±1, ±2, ... ). Hence it has a series

expansion in powers of z valid for lzl < 271". To determine the coefficients

of the expansion, let

--Z = 1 + B1z + -B2 z^2 + .. · • + -Bn z n + .. · ( 8.5-3 )
ez -1 2! n!

By applying the symbolic method we have

which gives

Z :::: e(B+l)z _ eBz

so that

_z_ :eBz
ez -1

(B+1)^2 -B^2 :::0, (B+1)^3 -B^3 :::o,

Simplifying and returning to the subindex notation, we get

2B1 + 1 = 0, 3B2 + 3B1 + 1 = 0, 4Ba + 6B2 + 4B1 + 1 = O,

... ' (n ~ l)Bn + (n ~ l)Bn-1 +, .. + (n ~ l)B1+1=0

From these equations the numbers B 1 , B 2 , • • • can easily be calculated.
We find

B 3 = 0,

B 9 =0,

B4 = -

, B 5 = 0,
B10 =

, B 11 = 0,


B6 = 42'

It is easy to prove that all numbers Bn with odd index greater than 1 are

zero. In fact, substituting B 1 = -^1 / 2 in (8.5-3), we have

z 1 z ez + 1 z z
--+ -z = - --= - coth -
ez - 1 2 2 ez - 1 2 2
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