Macworld - USA (2019-12-B)

(Antfer) #1

Monoprice includes an extensive set of measurements on the Monolith’s performance.

AK4493 32-bit DACs (
ak44)—one for the left channel and one for
the right—which support up to 768kHz
PCM and 22.4MHz DSD. The Monolith’s
dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio
are excellent: Both are greater than
120dB, but don’t quite approach the
performance of today’s top-of-the-line

DACs. I applaud Monoprice for providing
a full complement of performance
measurements (
by THX for the amp as a downloadable
ZIP file on its website.
The Monolith will have no problem
driving just about any headphone, being
rated to provide 1560mW into 16 ohms
Free download pdf