Macworld - USA (2019-12-B)

(Antfer) #1

whose tracks have
exceptional dynamic
range, the Monolith
excelled at bringing
out the musical
energy on tracks like
“Imagine the Fire”
without becoming a
sloppy mess.
Alexis Cole’s
Dazzling Blue,
recorded by
Chesky Records, is
superbly produced
and the Monolith
did a fine job rendering the textures of Ms.
Cole’s vocals. Instruments were placed firmly
in space and time. It was easy for
me to make out the unique
character of each headphone
through the Monolith. From
orchestral, to jazz, to whatever
genre I subjected it to, the
Monolith left me shaking my head
in disbelief that I was getting this
level of performance and a feature
set this complete for $500.
Comparing the sound to more
expensive headphone amplifiers,
such as the exceptional
Benchmark DAC3 HGC (go., two areas
where I feel the Monolith fell short
were its ability to resolve

microdynamics and transparency. The sound
stage sounded a bit flatter on tracks I know
well. Then again, the Benchmark
DAC3 costs nearly four times as
much as the Monolith.

The Monolith by Monoprice
desktop balanced headphone
amplifier is a winner. There are lots
of desktop headphone amps out
there, but I can’t think of any that
deliver anything close to this
combination of performance and
features for $500. It won’t knock
off any of today’s top contenders
for the crown of best headphone
amp at any price, but it will have its
peers running for cover. ■

Monoprice Monolith
desktop Balanced
headphone amplifier

  • Features dual AK4493
    32-bit DACs and dual THX
    AAA-788 amplifer modules.

  • An overabundance of
    features and inputs for the

  • Dirac Sensaround is not a
    compelling feature.

  • Lacks the transparency,
    detail, and delicacy you’ll
    find in even finer
    headphone amps.

The Monolith did a fine job handling high-res FLAC and DSD tracks with
lots of dynamic range played from my Roon server.
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