[Ibadan Journal of Sociology, June, 2019, 9 ]
[© 2014-2019 Ibadan Journal of Sociology]
Table 2 reveals the background variables of the respondents by
maternal education, which includes geopolitical zones, maternal current age,
child’s birth order, household source of drinking water, type of toilet
facility, and type of cooking fuel. The Table reveals that a large percentage
of urban poor in the North East (62.2%) and North West (61.1%) had no
formal education compared to large proportions of those in the southern part
of the country who had attained secondary education and above. This result
suggests that there are more urban poor in the southern Nigeria who had
attained secondary education and above more than those in the northern part
of the country.
Table 2: Background characteristics of the respondents
Maternal Education Numbe
None Primary Secondary + r
North Central 37.8% 26.1% 36.1% 513
North East 62.2% 17.8% 20.0% 110
North West 61.1% 17.0% 21.8% 1402
South East 2.4% 25.0% 72.6% 84
South South 0.0% 24.2% 75.8% 120
South West 10.1% 30.0% 6 0.0% 48
Maternal current
15 - 19 42.6% 29.7% 27.7% 101
20 - 24 44.8% 17.8% 37.4% 71
25 - 29 47.0% 20.6% 32.4% 1313
30 - 34 39.8% 16.8% 43.4% 470
35 - 39 51.7% 21.2% 27.1% 584
40+ 60.6% 25.8% 13.6% 52
Child’s Birth
1 33.0% 15.1% 52.0% 531
2 - 3 37.5% 21.4% 41.1% 1112
4 - 6 52.1% 22.1% 25.8% 1216
7+ 66.2% 21.0% 12.8% 851
Household source
of drinking water
Basic improved
41.9% 22.0% 36.1% 769