New Scientist - USA (2013-06-08)

(Antfer) #1
8 June 2013 | NewScientist | 31

If they prove that matter and
antimatter repulse each other,
then we may finally have a
plausible explanation for the
accelerated expansion of our
universe that doesn’t actually
require dark energy.
Akersloot, The Netherlands

From Paul Baron
Stephen Battersby said that one
thing we know about dark energy
is that it “pushes” (11 May, p 32).
But couldn’t it simply be that
dark energy is the result of an
attractive force acting on our
observable universe?
Auckland, New Zealand

Smart money

From Roger Taylor
In his letter on corporate
responsibility, Ian Hill asks: “what
qualifications... do the people at
the top have?” (18 May, p 29).
The main one is cleverness. In the
financial sector, unfortunately, it
is the kind of cleverness that gives
it a bad name, having been used
to con the rest of us into believing
that moving our money about
is both profoundly important
and worthy of absurd rewards.
Like astrologers, they think
the future is foreseeable, and
like alchemists, they search for

a philosopher’s stone – ever more
complex software – that will turn
the leaden present into a golden
future. Clever indeed to finagle
us all with two dead “sciences”.
Wirral, Merseyside, UK

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For the record

n Our look at attempts to put a figure
on potential sea level rise due to
climate change (25 May, p 26) should
have said there is less than a 1 in 20
chance that the melting of ice sheets
will contribute more than 84
centimetres to sea level rise by 2100.
n Leap Motion’s box that can
track ultra-fine hand and finger
movements will cost $80, not $70
as we reported (25 May, p 40).

Paranoid android?

From John Hobson
One thing I felt was missing from
your look at consciousness was
the role of emotion and empathy
(18 May, p 30). A “zombie” eats
when it is hungry and puts on
extra clothes when it is cold, but
it is not aware. A human is happy
after eating and knows that when
hungry in the future, eating is
likely to bring happiness. This
leads to planning, one of the
functions of consciousness.
What’s more, a human also
knows that others are likely
to do what makes them feel
happy. Empathy is an extremely
important part of consciousness,
and there can be no empathy
without emotion.
Consciousness is unlikely to
develop in isolation – why would
it? It has developed to enable
us to interact with others. So it
is unlikely we will ever make a
conscious machine without
including emotion.
Devizes, Wiltshire, UK

Torture ray

From Les Hearn
The point about the Active Denial
“pain ray” weapon, which, when
fired causes pain in the victim
without leaving a mark, is that
it is not designed to subdue, as
claimed in your article (11 May,
p 44). In this it differs from tasers,
water cannon and projectiles.
Potential victims would do
anything to avoid the pain, which
in crowded situations could lead
to injury in others fighting to
get away, or even a stampede.
Similarly, if fired at close quarters,
the wielder of the weapon
would be at risk from defensive
violence, rendering its use in
prison disturbances unwise.
If, however, one was going to
design the perfect method of
torture, this would come close.
The psychological damage
would be greatly compounded
by the complete lack of physical

evidence. Survivors would be
unable to successfully seek
asylum in countries where even
gross physical signs are often
discounted as self-inflicted.
If these weapons become
available they will inevitably
be used to torture, which is why
they must not be made.
London, UK

Sign this way

From Clive Neal-Sturgess,
professor of clinical biomechanics,
University of Birmingham

Your article on gestural control of
computers talks about a number
of possible systems (25 May, p 40),
but sign language is not
mentioned. Surely this is well
recognised and, if adopted, could
be a useful extra communication
tool for deaf people.
Alcester, Warwickshire, UK

I’ll think about it

From Leslie Want
We have been told that when a
person imagines they are playing
tennis, the parts of the brain
associated with actually playing
the game “light up”. We are also
told that when a person makes
a decision, the part of the brain
associated with the decision
“lights up” before the person is
conscious of making the decision
(18 May, p 37).
Surely this is to be expected?
An important part of the decision-
making process is to mentally

rehearse the consequences. Thus
the part of the brain involved is
active before the decision is made.
Are we not observing the decision-
making process rather than the
actual decision?
Swansea, UK

Cosmic verse

From Tim Boardman
I was interested in your editorial
extolling the poetic lament for
NASA’s Kepler satellite (25 May,
p 3). Another scientist who turned
to poetry is the 18th-century
polymath Erasmus Darwin,
member of the Birmingham
Lunar Society and Charles’s
grandfather, after whom my
place of work – Erasmus Darwin
Academy – is named.
Among other topics, his
verses feature a proto-theory of
evolution, which doubtless would
have influenced his grandson.
Even more prescient was his
suggestion of something not
unlike the big bang theory (albeit
preceded by a big crunch) in his
short poem To the Stars.
Stafford, UK

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