New Scientist - USA (2013-06-08)

(Antfer) #1
8 June 2013 | NewScientist | 45








These photosynthetic
bacteria produce sulphur,
not oxygen

face-to-face with some of these early
photosynthetic microbes. In 2011, Martin
Brasier at the University of Oxford and
colleagues discovered fossils of individual
bacterial cells in rocks that formed 3.43 billion
years ago, in what is now western Australia
(Nature Geoscience, vol 4, p 698). “They
occurred in a well-lit intertidal or supratidal
setting,” says Brasier. The chemical make-up
of the rocks, along with the plentiful light,
strongly suggests that some of the cells
photosynthesised without producing oxygen.
It may seem surprising that anoxygenic
photosynthesis evolved so soon after life
itself – the earliest fossils we know of are only
slightly more ancient, at 3.49 billion years old.
But Nick Lane of University College London,
who studies life’s origins, thinks that once
cells capable of living on chemical energy had
evolved, it was not a huge step for them to
start exploiting light energy instead. “Really,
light just gets electrons flowing through the
same equipment,” he says.
For researchers like Lane, the mystery is
instead why it took so long for the oxygen-
producing form of photosynthesis to evolve.
It may not have emerged until around
2.4 billion years ago, perhaps a billion years
after anoxygenic photosynthesis appeared.
Given the advantages of oxygen-producing
photosynthesis, why the delay?
Photosynthesis has two main steps. In the
second, electrons are added to CO 2 to help
convert the molecule into sugars. The first
step is getting the electrons. They are stripped
from a source molecule and used to generate
an electrochemical gradient that powers the
second step.

The billion-year delay
In oxygenic photosynthesis, the source
molecule is water. Removing electrons splits
water molecules into hydrogen ions and
oxygen gas. The hydrogen ions and electrons
play a key role in turning CO 2 into sugars. The
oxygen, though, is an unneeded by-product.
In anoxygenic photosynthesis, different
molecules provide the electrons. One of the
most common donors is hydrogen sulphide.
Splitting it generates sulphur as a waste
product instead of oxygen. The advantage
of hydrogen sulphide is that it is very easy
to remove electrons from, or oxidise. It was
also common in the early ocean, but probably
got used up quickly in surface waters where

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