Time - International (2019-12-02)

(Antfer) #1
2 Time December 2–9, 2019


Re “in 1989, The WoRld
Chose Peace” [Nov. 11]: The
true desire for arms reduc-
tion and world peace that
Ronald Reagan and Mikhail
Gorbachev showed in the
1980s has always struck me as
one of the most inspiring ef-
forts of bilateral diplomacy.
With the Kremlin hoping that
Trump would favor a more
pro- Russian foreign policy, its
interference in the 2016 U.S.
election seems reasonable and
even somewhat logical. But
Trump failed many of us, and
he must have disappointed
Putin too. Let us hope that
in 2020, Americans choose a
new leader who resumes dia-
logue and recognizes Russia
before it spins out of control,
as Gorbachev wrote, “for the
sake of the future.”
Cathrine Lagerberg,

GoRbachev comes acRoss
as compassionate and cred-
its the Russian people for
understanding that Ger-
many had changed. What he
doesn’t explain is why Russia
allowed such a repressive re-
gime in East Germany. He is
given credit for fixing a prob-
lem that Russia created.
Maurice Elliott,
GeRmanToWn, Tenn.


Re “Rudy cashes in”
[Nov. 11]: Before your story
on Rudy Giuliani, I thought it

was horrifying that we were
being ruled (in the most pe-
jorative sense of that word)
by a narcissistic megaloma-
niac with disdain for the U.S.’s
democratic principles and
moral codes. Now I’ve come
to learn that we have two
people like that feeding off of
each other and egging each
other on. I may not sleep well
again for a very long time!
Eugene Ely,
san Jose, calif.

on 9/11, mayoR Giuliani
was coming up with solutions
for a city in peril. Charging
up and down the streets with
a face mask on, he gave New
Yorkers and Americans hope
that someone was in charge
and that things would be all
right. By choice, he has seen
things most people have not
and has been to places most
people would not choose to
go to. This gives him a keen
insight into current prob-
lems. News coverage should
reflect his depth and abilities
with more appreciation.
Bart Deems,
columbus, ohio


Thanks foR youR “8 Ques-
tions” [Nov. 11] with the play-
wright David Henry Hwang.
I grew up as a Eurasian kid in
small-town America in the
1960s. Kids taunted me with
racist comments and ges-
tures. I was so shy that I told
no one of my pain of attend-

ing social events. Once in a
Chinese restaurant, a waiter
looked at me and laughed,
saying I wasn’t Chinese. I felt
like I had no country. Then
I discovered Hwang’s plays
when I was a student at NYU.
I was so proud of this man
who was so gifted in the art of
playwriting while describing
the Asian experience in the
U.S. Hwang is one of my he-
roes. He is an American who
loves his country but proudly
embraces his ethnicity.
Joan Loo Dorfman,
RockaWay, n.J.


Re “deaR spain, leT’s Talk
About Catalonia’s Future”
[Nov. 4]: Rather than intro-
ducing Carles Puigdemont
as “a former president of
Catalonia’s regional govern-
ment,” you might have added
that he fled from justice after
holding a sham referendum.
His colorful career included

a declaration of Catalan in-
dependence from Spain
contrary to the terms of the
constitution, and now a pe-
riod of residence in Waterloo,
where another singular figure
came to grief two centuries
ago. Puigdemont claims that
“reaching compromises is
completely alien to Spanish
political culture,” yet Spain’s
peaceful evolution from dic-
tatorship to democracy in
the 1970s was the result of
exemplary compromise be-
tween opinions ranging from
former supporters of Gen-
eral Franco to Socialists and
Communists. It was against
this constitution and the legal
framework derived from it
that Puigdemont organized
his revolt before fleeing, leav-
ing his collaborators to face
the legal consequences. No
meaningful discussion is pos-
sible with such a person.
Mervyn Samuel,


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