MaximumPC 2008 03

(Dariusz) #1

Install Support Tools for
Advanced Diagnostics

To be a true IT ninja, equip yourself with
Windows Support Tools (free,
yja7vw ), a set of more than 100 troubleshoot-
ing utilities aimed at advanced users (view a
complete list at ). Not
all of them are gems, but a few notable stand-
outs include pviewer, for gathering information
about running processes on remote computers;
msicuu, to remove installer information when a
program’s uninstaller gets borked (power out-
age, for example); and windiff, to compare fi les
and see which is more recent, along with line-
by-line code comparisons.


Automatically Kill Processes and Shut Down


Teach Windows how to shut down without nagging you about unresponsive pro-
cesses. Open the registry and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\
Desktop. Double-click AutoEndTasks and change the value from 0 to 1. Then double-
click WaitToKillApp and change the value from 5000 to 1000. Finally, double-click
HungAppTimeout and change the value from 20,000 to 3000.


Eliminate Lag and Speed up
the Start Menu
A fully loaded rig pays dividends in everything
from productivity apps to games, but no matter
how fast your machine is, the Start menu still
lags. To give the Start menu a much needed
speed boost, click Start, select Run, and type
regedit. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_
USER\Control Panel\Desktop, double-click
MenuShowDelay in the right-hand pane, and
change the value from 400 to 5. Reboot and
watch your Start menu fl y!


Apply One Folder’s View to
All Folders

XP allows you to view folders fi ve different
ways—thumbnails, tiles, icons, list, details—but
what you select for one folder doesn’t apply to all
of them. Sure, you can confi gure each folder indi-
vidually, but that takes far too long. To apply the
same view universally, Go to My Documents, click
Tools, then Folder Options, then select the View
tab, and click Apply to All Folders.

High Score!

Become the new champ at old games


t’s tough enough
getting through
the workday
unscathed, and to
make matters worse,
most workplaces aren’t
going to let you install
Counter-Strike to blow
off some steam—oh
the tyranny! That
means you’re stuck
playing Minesweeper
or Pinball, only Bob in
accounting holds the
high score in both and is quick to let everyone know. Here’s how you can stick it to Bob. To
freeze time in Minesweeper, minimize the app using the Windows Key + D combination and
then restore the window. Then fi re up Pinball and type 1max at the start of a new game for
additional balls or bmax for unlimited tries and an unbeatable score. | MAR 08 | MAXIMUMPC 23

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