Practical Photography - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1

14 Practical PhotograPhy


Mark Kirkland

n AnimAl PortrAits winner

Controlling light underwater is always a challenge.
I was experimenting for the first time with four static
spotlights. Co-ordinating all four narrow-beamed lights
while in full scuba gear tested my buoyancy skills and
patience. Having a co-operative subject helped.
Olympus E-M5 MkII | 8mm | 1/40sec | f/9 | IsO 500

n Mark Kirkland is an underwater photographer based
in Scotland.

see more wildlife images
Grab a copy of British
Wildlife Photography Awards
10. Published by Ammonite
Press (RRP £25), it’s available
online and from all good
bookshops. For more info
Free download pdf