Scientific American - USA (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1
16 Scientific American, December 2019




Ocean Vision

A new algorithm takes the water
out of underwater photographs

Coral reefs are among nature’s most
complex and colorful living formations. But
as any underwater photographer knows,
pictures of them taken without artificial
lights often come out bland and blue. Even
shallow water selectively absorbs and
scatters light at different wavelengths,
making certain features hard to see and
washing out colors—especially reds and
yellows. This effect makes it difficult for
coral scientists to use computer vision and
machine-learning algorithms to identify,
count and classify species in underwater
images; they have to rely on time-consum-
ing human evaluation instead.
But a new algorithm called Sea-thru,
developed by engineer and oceanographer
Derya Akkaynak, removes the visual dis-
tortion caused by water from an image.
The effects could be far-reaching for biolo-
gists who need to see true colors under-
neath the surface. Akkaynak and engineer
Tali Treibitz, her postdoctoral adviser at
the University of Haifa in Israel, detailed
the process in a paper presented in June at
the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition.
Sea-thru’s image analysis factors in the
physics of light absorption and scattering
in the atmosphere, compared with that in
the ocean, where the particles that light
interacts with are much larger. Then the

program effectively reverses image distor-
tion from water pixel by pixel, restoring
lost colors.
One caveat is that the process requires
distance information to work. Akkaynak
takes numerous photographs of the same
scene from various angles, which Sea-thru
uses to estimate the distance between the
camera and objects in the scene—and, in
turn, the water’s light-attenuating impact.
Luckily, many scientists already capture
distance information in image data sets by
using a process called photogrammetry,
and Akkaynak says the program will readi-
ly work on those photographs.
“There are a lot of challenges associat-
ed with working underwater that put us
well behind what researchers can do
above water and on land,” says Nicole
Pedersen, a researcher on the 100 Island
Challenge, a project at the University of
California, San Diego, in which scientists
take up to 7,000 pictures per 100 square
meters to assemble 3-D models of reefs.
Progress has been hindered by a lack of
computer tools for processing these imag-
es, Pedersen says, adding that Sea-thru is
a step in the right direction.
The algorithm differs from applications
such as Photoshop, with which users can
artificially enhance underwater images
by uniformly pumping up reds or yellows.
“What I like about this approach is that it’s
really about obtaining true colors,” says Pim
Bongaerts, a coral biologist at the California
Academy of Sciences. “Getting true color
could really help us get a lot more worth
out of our current data sets.” — Erik Olsen

Large coral forma-
tion in Lembeh
Strait in Indonesia
before ( inset ) and
after processing
with the Sea-thru

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