Techlife News - USA (2019-11-23)

(Antfer) #1

is also a good idea, says Panos, so they can keep
an eye on things while you’re gone.

Shut things down: Turn off the main water
switch if you’ve got finicky plumbing, says
Gifford, and put together a checklist of things
that need to be turned off or unplugged. Set
your thermostat lower before you go and, if
possible, program it to heat up again right
before you get back, suggests Panos. “The
last thing I do before heading out the door is
to unplug all my electric items. It’s good for
your pocketbook because it saves energy,
and can save your electrical items in case
there’s a power surge. It’s also good for the
environment,” Gifford says.

Leave a key: Give a spare key to a friend or
neighbor, in case you realize on your way to the
airport that you forgot to turn something off or
need something checked on, Gifford says.

Consider extra security measures: In addition to
the more basic pre-departure steps, there are
other precautions to consider.

“Make sure your itinerary is left with a friend
or neighbor not going on the trip, so someone
knows where you are in the world and how to
reach you. It’s also a good idea to leave a copy
of your passport and credit cards with a family
member, and also bring a copy with you that
you can keep separately from your documents
in case they’re stolen,” Gifford says.

If you travel frequently with children or
someone with health issues, supplemental
travel insurance may be a good idea, she says:
“One in 30 trips ends in a medical emergency
and, particularly if you travel a lot, that extra
sense of security is worth it.’’

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