
(itemelite) #1


We have some really awesome tips that I want to share with you. As I
mentioned, we have done plenty of webinars, and some of this is stuff
that I wish somebody had told me when I started.

Webinars can be run for anything from $97 to $1,997. $497 and below as
a price point is converting right now. In most markets, under $500 is
what works. Also, include payment plans of 3 payments of $197. Above
$497 is difficult to justify anymore without a lot of material to back up
that price point, but it can be done. It depends on the product specifically.

If it is more of a coaching-oriented product, more of a one-on-one
situation, yes, above $497 works. Anything above $1,997, above $2,000,
need to be followed up with a call-center salesperson.

The second tip is no price on the webinar. I know I have mentioned this a
few times throughout the course, but don't include a price on your
PowerPoint. Let the prospect click through and see it themselves. There
are advantages to that: you can do split testing; there are psychological
advantages because you are letting them discover the price, and they are
not hearing any weird verbal cues like you being shaky about talking
about $997 price point; and lastly, you don’t have to feel weird or try to
justify a price verbally. You can have a short little tiny sales page that
justifies the price of $997.

Third tip: Give something away. I like to try to give a flowchart or some
piece of information on a webinar. I also like to get people into the
sequence with a free PDF. If an affiliate is going to mail out for our
webinar, the first day will offer a freely-downloadable PDF, and then,

Free download pdf