
(itemelite) #1

day two and day three will focus on getting them on the webinar. In order
to offer the free download, post a link in the chat box. If they don't take
action right away, they have a take-away piece. The people who join you
on the webinar are your top action-takers. So, they will open the PDF
after the webinar is done, and say, “You know what? This is a great
webinar. I’m going to go back and see if it is still for sale.”

The next tip is bonuses. Offer a bonus at the end of the webinar. Timed
bonuses work really well—the fast action stuff. “If you buy in next 15
minutes, we’ll mail you this.” Also, include that in the membership area.
Some people on your webinar will live outside the U.S. and there are
different mail issues to send something physical in the mail. So, make
sure to include whatever bonus it is in the membership area of your

Physical bonuses work as well, like iPads or Kindles. Offer a double or
nothing: offer the course in exchange for the gift just won.

Pictures on the slides. This is something that I've tested and it seems to
work pretty well, so put a picture of yourself on each slide to help with
bonding. It establishes trust throughout the webinar. People continue to
look at the screen with your picture, and even though you're not moving
or talking, people are still a little bit more apt to purchase from you.

Put a countdown on the right sidebar, like ESPN, with the reveals of
when the high points of the training will display. So, for instance, “In 12
slides, you’ll learn about the #1 food that...”

Do a pitch for a strategy session. Don’t include anything for sale on the
webinar. Market it as not a sales webinar. Instead, have them sign up for
a free strategy session. The sale actually takes place on the follow-up
phone call. I've seen really high dollar coaching and consulting gigs fall
out of this. They watch the webinar and nothing is for sale on the
w e b i n a r. W h e r e t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i s , t h e y s a y, “ G o t o and I will personally call you back in the
next 48 hours. We will do a one-on-one strategy session, and we will get
you taking action on your business.” On that call follows a pitch for a
$5,000 a month consulting package.

Announce buyers as they buy. This has a powerful psychological effect.
“He’s taking action and I want to. Since he bought, then I'm allowed to.
It justifies my purchase.”

Have someone manage comments for you.

Tell the audience in the question box, “If you want to get in, send a

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