
(itemelite) #1

message, and we’ll give you the URL.” You can tell the audience about
this before the bulk of the content delivery: “If you really want to be one
of the first ones to get access to this, then just go ahead and type “Buy”
in the question box, and we will answer with a URL where you can
actually go check out this offer.”

Short sales page. The URL on the webinar should be a short sales page.
By short, I mean short. Just include the basics: what the product is, what
it is going to do for your prospects, how to get it, and the guarantee.
That’s it—maybe 1,000 words at most. I try to make ours a little more
personal, like, “You just sat through a 90-minute webinar for me, so I'll
make this simple...” and then go from there.

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