
(itemelite) #1

want to have to worry about that.

On a Mac, GoToWebinar has the same the recording feature. All it is is
clicking on a little button in the GoToWebinar interface. You can use a
program like ScreenFlow or Camtasia to also save a copy of that
webinar, so that you are double-protecting yourself.

After your webinar is done, save the webinar in its native file format,
usually it's an .mp4 on a Mac, or a .wmv on a PC. Edit the webinar if you
want. We usually don't edit it much, maybe the extreme beginning or the
extreme end. For example, after you have hit record, before you actually
go live, and you are chit-chatting with your co-host. We’ll also take out
the very end, as we’re hunting for the Exit Webinar button.

After you get the file altogether, you can post the replay in a place that is
easily accessible and viewable to the normal web-goer. If you have a
YouTube account that can upload video files longer than 15 minutes, you
can put it on YouTube. You can put it on, which is a
video service that I really like. You can also put it on Amazon S3—it’s a
little more complex—but you can post it on S3, and then pool the video
to your website.

Most of our replays, I put on Amazon S3. We stream the replay directly
from Amazon, and then we use, which is kind of like a
video repository, or an asset collection, so that we can look back through
them. You never know when you’re going to need them again. Also, I
catalog them so that I have a lot of content to make automated webinars

After you upload them to the server, embed the video on a webpage
somewhere. It doesn't need to be fancy—it just needs to play—either on
your product site or your blog.

If it’s on YouTube, make sure to embed that link on your blog. Don’t
mail them a link to YouTube, because there's no way for them to actually
purchase your product. Underneath the video, you need to have a link
that says “Click here for XYZ product,” so they are able to take action.
That link will then take them to the order form or the short sales pitch.

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