
(itemelite) #1


Once you get the stats from your webinar, the EPAs and the EPCs will
give you numbers to work with to automate the whole process.

How much do you have to spend to make money? That’s the question
you have to ask yourself.

Here are our numbers:

  • Earnings Per Click = $2.99.

  • Earnings Per Attendee = $20.95.

If you spend less than $2.99 per click, you're making money.

If you spend less than $20.95 to get somebody on the webinar, you’re
making money.

This is just dollars and cents stuff that allows you to do a lot of
interesting things:

  • Pay-per-click or Adwords

  • Banner Ads, such as using or

  • Affiliate marketing

As long as you're spending less than $2.99 per click, you’re golden—you
can send as much traffic as you want.

This is where automated platforms really come in. Driving traffic to
webinars that happen without you actually having to be there is the name
of the game. All you need is email marketing—you’ve got that. You need

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