
(itemelite) #1


In this chapter, we’re going to discuss building a business around your

Once you get a converting webinar on the books, figure out what else
people want. What can you sell them that makes their experience a little
better? What allows them to give you more money? This is called upsells
and downsells.

Figure out what people want who don't buy. The prospects who don't buy
the first time may still be buyers, but just not for your product, or for
your first product. Maybe they are waiting for something that's a little bit
better-suited to them, or they are waiting for some affiliate product that
you can introduce them to.

An upsell is something that you can add after the initial sale that is going
to benefit the buyer. It’s not necessarily packaged in with the initial
product, but you can offer to them directly afterwards. An upsell might
be software, any additional or related training, or maybe downloads,
PDFs, graphics, stuff that makes the original product easier or better.
This is not to say that you need to devalue the original product. Just
figure out what else they want and give it to them.

A downsell happens when you present an upsell, and the buyer doesn't
take it. After they purchase, they finish in the shopping cart, and then
they hit an upsell page. “Thanks so much for buying XYZ product. We
know that a lot of people who purchase the same product you did also
really like this particular add-on. So, we are offering it to you at a special
discount.” That is an upsell.

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