
(itemelite) #1

If they decline that upsell, then you can send them to a downsell. “We
know you just declined. We know that you didn't want to take {the
upsell}, so what we’re going to do is offer you the same product at a
50% discount, just as a fast action bonus, or just as a one-time offer. All
you have to do is click the Add To Cart button below to get started.“
That’s a downsell.

There are a few ways to position downsells that are easy. You can break
the upsell down into payment plans. You can give a discount on the
downsell, or you can add something to the upsell, or make a physical
version of the product itself. You can say, “Okay, so you turned us down
for the for the e-book. What if we send you the book in the mail. It’s only
going to be $10 more.” The only time people see downsells is if they
don’t take the upsells, so you don’t have to worry about people feeling
slighted about discounts on something they already purchased.

Sometimes a downsell is the same product in a different format or
limited version. If someone passed on buying your physical course that is
a box full of DVDs and workbooks, the downsell could be the same
content in online form. If someone said no to your software with an
unlimited license, the downsell could be a license limiting the use to one
user or on one website.

People who don't buy your initial offer are still good buyers. Maybe it
just didn’t affect them the way you wanted it to. What kinds of affiliate
products sell? Can you recreate those? Are you able to send them to an
affiliate's product, maybe as a different spin on the same thing? Survey
them and figure out what they want. They are going to tell you and then
they’ll buy from you.

This is one of my favorite ways of creating new products: surveying our
customer list and asking “What do you want to learn more about?” They
will tell us that they want more information about ___. Then
we will create that, and oftentimes, we will give them that for free, since
they were kind in telling us what they wanted. Then we can use them as a
beta test for a product.

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