
(itemelite) #1


Scaling a business is all about the numbers, so if you can purchase leads
for less than they're worth, it’s good business. You can scale to the moon.

If you can purchase a lead for $1, and make $2 off that lead, then you are
doubling your money. So why wouldn't you spend every last cent you
had to double your money? If you find yourself spending more per lead
than the EPCs of your webinar, either build out a longer autoresponder
sequence, or add in more upsells or downsells. It is really pretty much
the easiest thing to do.

When buying traffic, it’s easy to spend $5,000 to $50,000 per month, so
know your numbers. If you spend $50,000 to make $70,000, that's a good
deal. If you’re negative—if you spent $50,000 to only make $30,000,
you have to figure out how to get that money back.

Please don't fall prey to coaching floors if you don’t have to. Coaching
floors are where they will call a prospect, and try to sell them at $10,000
coaching package. Don't do that unless you have to. I highly recommend
against it. It’s easy using webinars and automating webinars to break
even pretty early on. Just make sure you have a good upsell and downsell
mix, and you should be good to go.

Don’t beat up your list either. Don’t send offer after offer. Give value
between affiliate promotions, so, send them to blog posts, create videos
for your folks, or do how-to stuff for free with tutorials and stuff on your

Just make sure to keep your list current—it’s your number one asset!
Make sure they keep clicking links, because if they don't click links, you
don’t make money.

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