
(itemelite) #1


Hopefully, you have been actively creating your webinar as you're going
through this section of the book: getting the software, putting together
the presentation, getting it scheduled, etc.

The next step is really making sure that your presentation is dialed in.
Make sure you’re getting the best EPCs and EPAs you can. Once you get
some good EPCs, as we talked in the stats chapter, you need to start
sending traffic to these webinars.

After that, figure out your numbers, put together a clear plan on scaling,
and reach for the moon.

There's no reason why you can't have a multimillion dollar webinar, too.
If you follow even half of what's in this book, you're going to be able to.
You have to have a great product, whether you’re a digital product owner
or a local business or somebody who sells widgets, it doesn't matter, you
can still use webinars to sell your products. You just want to make sure
that the webinar is converting to a level that you can send more traffic to.

Go back through this book. There are nuggets in here that you're only
going to pick up after you do some webinars. There are things in this
book that I that I took for granted, and now I'm putting together
procedures based on this course for our stuff. We run hundreds of
webinars and this is the very best stuff I know to do, so take it seriously.

With webinars, you don't need to know sales copy. That’s the beautiful
thing—just telling a story and pitching your product is really all you need
to do.

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