
(itemelite) #1


In this section, we’ll talk about credibility. Before engaging with you, or buying
from you, people want to know they can trust you. They want to know that you
have an answer to their problem and that they are safe with you. They want to
feel assured that they are safe giving you money, listening to you, and safe to
invest the mental energy it will take to implement the solution in their lives.

Credibility is all about proof. It isn’t about education, degrees, or certifications.
Some people are really caught up in all that, but it doesn't matter. In a sales
letter, it isn’t going to matter what degree you have. You need to have a certain
amount of credibility in your language and stories in order for people to actually
understand that you know what it is that they are going through. It’s really about
the language itself. You can have a picture of a diploma in your sales letter, but
your prospects are not going to bond to it, they’ll bond to you.

Take Tony Robbins, for example. He isn’t certified, nor does he have a degree in
leadership or psychology or anything that he teaches, but he’s one of the most
influential people in the world. Credibility can be you on stage, a snapshot of
your ClickBank account, a picture of you teaching a group of people, a picture
of you before and after you lost 70 pounds, or a picture of you and your ex
together again. Whatever it is you’re trying to gain credibility for, show your
prospects you have been there, and you’ll gain their trust. You can include
testimonials from previous customers who are satisfied with your product. The
testimonials for you and your product can be in video, photo, or text form,
basically anything that attributes some of the success that person has had to you
and your product.

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