
(itemelite) #1

A VSL has more of a story structure than that. When you make your slides, you
will probably have lots of bullets, but when you narrate the VSL out loud, it will
sound like you're speaking in paragraphs, not reading a list of bullets.

A bullet on your VSL slide might be just a few words that people see while you
narrate a whole paragraphs of two to four sentences.

Once you grab your prospect's attention, your VSL needs to tell them some type
of story. A good format is the classic problem-solution-offer structure. The story
is often how you (or whoever created the product or service) solved a problem
or overcame some obstacles, and how that led to the creation of the product or
service you're selling.

You've already stated the problem in the opening questions, so you can get right
into the story of how you (or someone) had that problem and how you (or they)
came up with the solution that you're now selling.

For the weight loss example, a classic story would be how you had been
overweight for years, tried every diet, kept gaining back the weight, felt
deprived, and so on. Then you stumbled on some special eating plan or
combination of foods that let you lose the weight, keep it off, and it all fit well
into your lifestyle. Maybe you went from couch potato to triathlete in a year.

Another angle for a story is from an expert's point of view, rather than a person
who overcame the problem himself. In the weight loss niche, maybe a personal
trainer or nutritionist or doctor came up with the solution, rather than the
overweight person himself.

In that scenario, you could be the person who got help from the expert and is
now motivated to help others, or you could be the expert (who maybe never was
overweight himself) who came up with the solution to help your clients and has
packaged it into a system that you're now selling.

Which of those angles should you go with? Whichever one is actually true!

Maybe what you're selling doesn't seem to be the solution to a problem. There is
still usually a way you can find something to use this framework.

Let's say your product is a cookbook of your grandma's recipes. What problem
does that solve? You could start your VSL talking about how we eat too much
junk food, too much fast food, and too many microwaved meals, then talk about
the benefits of wholesome, home-cooked meals and tell the story of how your
family loved to gather around Grandma's table for whatever she was cooking.
Now you've turned what could have been an ordinary cookbook into something

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