
(itemelite) #1

With that being said, there are going to be things that we talk about here that you
might already know. That’s ok. Treat it as a refresher. Most likely, I might do
things a little bit differently than you’re used to, which is the point of learning!

Your #1 Priority As A Marketer

The idea behind list building is pretty simple. You give away something of
value that’ll help your prospects, and they give you their email address.

Then, as they grow to like and trust you, there is a certain number of prospects
who will turn into paying customers, buying something that you have for sale or
you’re promoting as an affiliate.

Let’s say you get 100 people who sign up to your list. 92 of those 100 people
probably won’t ever buy anything from you. Maybe they’re not all that
interested. Maybe they’re broke. Maybe they don’t like to put their credit card
info into a web form.

There are lots of reasons why someone won’t buy. Our job as email marketers
isn’t to concentrate on the non-buyers, though.

Our job is to find the buyers.

If 92 out of 100 won’t ever buy... That means that 8 do!

Those 8 people will buy a lot, so it’s important to keep mailing to them. That’s
why Scriptly does what it does – generate email autoresponders for you.

Behind Every Email Address...

Behind every single email address in your database is a human being. A real,
live person reading your email, clicking your links, and either growing closer to
you or further away.

It’s easy to concentrate on the numbers and say that you have 34,000 people on
your email address. What that means is that 34,000 people, at some point in
time, gave your permission to send them email.

That invitation should not be abused.

When mailing your list, you should be genuinely interested in helping them with
whatever they need help with – and the offers and content that you send them
should further them in their mission.

If it doesn’t, then you’ll burn out your list pretty quick!

As we go through this section, we’ll talk more in depth about list management

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