
(itemelite) #1

There needs to be a place online that people can sign up, whether that’s your site
or a piece of software that helps automate the process. Once the page is set up
and you start collecting leads, we’ll get into managing your list and email copy!

So, let’s start with setting up a place to collect leads.

In this book, we’ll be building landing pages that convert cold traffic to warm
leads. We’ll be looking at a variety of ways to build these landing pages.

Your landing page is where you convey the benefits of your lead magnet to your
prospects. In other words, your landing page will answer the biggest question on
your prospects minds, “Why should I sign up?”

A well-crafted landing page will convert anywhere between 30% and 60% of
your total traffic from an ordinary browser to a qualified email lead. And once
your visitor puts their email address in the opt-in box, your email marketing
software will kick in!

3: Email Marketing Software (with Autoresponders)

Later we’ll be talking about email marketing software, setting up your
autoresponder messages, and we’ll dig into affiliate training.

Your email marketing platform is the glue that holds this all together.

You can send broadcast messages. You can configure your autoresponder to
send out an email every day promoting your products or services.

You can even arrange your buyer and affiliate lists separately, so you know
exactly who you’re mailing to!

Not to mention, your email marketing platform is what houses your email list
and makes sure your email messages are CAN-SPAM compliant.

4: Traffic

The final step will be all about getting traffic to your landing pages. Facebook is
easy to set up, instant, and cheap on a per-click basis. Plus, it’s very scalable. If
you can get 5 leads a day, you can get 500 leads a day once you prove out your

We can do all the work we want on the lead magnet, landing pages and the
autoresponders. But if no one is coming to our landing page to opt in, we’re not
going to get any leads!

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