
(itemelite) #1

Deliverability is another factor. If you were to email your 200 clients out of
Outlook or Gmail, chances are your server will shut you down for a little while.
They do that to avoid spam. If you email those same clients from Convertly,
your emails are almost guaranteed to get there!


If you have a list of 25,000 people or more, or you’re going to be getting into
heavy media buying, Ontraport is the way to go. They’re by far my favorite of
the more advanced CRM services out there, and they have a lot of additional
features and capabilities that you'll need to grow your business.

Ontraport has been built from the ground up for serious Internet businesses.
When we started using them, email marketing was why we switched over. We
needed greater control over our data and more competitive email rates, and OAP
gave that to us.

Now that we’ve built Convertly, we use Ontraport for everything else...

Things like:

  • The shopping cart software (so you can sell stuff)

  • A membership plugin for WordPress that integrates with said CRM

  • The ability to do direct mail, phone call followups, and task

  • Affiliate management software

  • Plus, a ton of other stuff.

We use Ontraport to manage the financial side of the house basically.


Infusionsoft is awesome. It works very well, and is the standard when it comes
to doing big business online...

Here's the thing though. I love how Infusionsoft works, but it's hard to use when
you're starting out (for most people). To do one thing, like set up a product for
sale that's delivered online through an email (like an ebook), you have to touch
like six different screens.

With that being said, the power of the software is unparalleled when you know
how to use it.

From a cost standpoint, starting up is pretty expensive as well. Not only do you
have to pay the monthly charges, but you also have to pay a set-up fee that
varies from time to time. I've seen it as high as $5,000, then a free setup, and
now a $1500 setup that's waved if you're working with a Infusionsoft-certified

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