
(itemelite) #1


Growing a strong email list is all about turning clicks into leads, so that you can
mail to them and drive revenue to your business.

There’s a trick there though...

You have to give your visitors something of value that’ll get them to enter their
email address into your opt-in box!

Let’s face it, the Internet is a big place and almost every topic known to man is
beaten to death in various blogs, forum posts and news outlets. What makes
your lead magnet so special that they can only get it from you?

If you're having trouble figuring out what would be a good lead magnet for your
list, this chapter is for you.

Seven Types Of Lead Magnets

If you want to profit from your email list, you need to get the lead... There’s no
better way to do that than to start solving problems for your prospects and
packaging the solution up into something that folks will opt-in for. Once you
start getting leads, then you can start having Scriptly write your emails for you!

Here are seven major types of lead magnets. These aren't the only things you can
use as lead magnets, but should give you some ideas to start with.

  1. Report or Guide

The report is the standard lead magnet for good reason – it works! In fact,

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