
(itemelite) #1

title, “7 Ways To Double Your Revenue,” a makeover...

  • 7 Secret Persuasion Tricks To Increase Webinar Conversion

  • 7 WordPress Plugins That Increase Visitor Engagement (Without Them
    Even Realizing It!)

  • 7 Passive Ad Networks That'll Increase Website Revenue In The Next
    15 Minutes

  • 7 Email Templates To Re-Engage The Email Subscribers Who Have
    Already Written You Off

See how that works?

Be specific. Deliver value. Get the lead.

  1. Open Up Your Editor

Now that you’ve decided on what your lead magnet will be about, it’s time to
open up your word processor. Depending on your computer and operating
system, there are four different programs that you can choose from:

  • Microsoft Word

  • Apple Pages

  • Google Docs

  • OpenOffice

It doesn’t matter to me which one you use. I’m a Mac guy and prefer Pages, but
it’s completely up to you. From a functionality standpoint, they each do the
same thing.

In terms of style and logistics, just use the default settings for margins and
spacing. Don’t worry about making the font bigger or changing the style.

Some notes:

  • Include an intro section. Talk about what's going to be in the report,
    introduce yourself to your new reader, and make sure to talk about why
    what they're about to read matters.

  • Include subheadings. Break up longer sections of your lead magnet
    into sections and give them sub-headlines. This encourages

  • Write like you would to a friend. Lead magnets serve three purposes -
    to educate, to bond your new visitor to you, and to sell. Don't write
    them like you would a research paper or a corporate memo...

  1. Write 8-12 Pages

We’ve found that your lead magnet reports should be between 8 to 12 pages
long. That might sound like a lot, but it goes by fast!

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