
(itemelite) #1

In fact, here’s a little breakdown that you can use as a model for yourself:

  • Introduction: 1 Page

  • About You: 1 Page

  • Report Core: 5 Pages (this is the meat of your report)

  • Summary: 1 Page

  • Call To Action: 1 Page

And really, the title of your lead magnet is going to give you everything you
need to beef up that report core section.

If you’re writing a report titled, “7 High Intensity Closing Strategies That’ll
Increase Webinar Conversions By 120 Percent,” simply devote a page to each of
those seven strategies and you're golden!

Again, make sure to include sub-headlines to break up each section.

  1. Include Calls to Action

At the end of your report, you’ll want to include a call to action to your sales
video, webinar signup page, affiliate link, or whatever you’re promoting.

You want to give your reader the opportunity to read the report and then click
through to continue deeper into your sales funnel.

Usually, the very last section in our reports is a “What’s Next?” or “Next Steps”

In that section, I invite a reader to continue on the journey by signing up for a
webinar, filling out a strategy session form, or watching a video. In each of
those examples, they continue deeper on the path.

The person who opts in, downloads your report, then reads through the entire
thing and clicks through a link is an extremely hot lead.

They liked you. They liked what you had to say. And they’re willing to take the
next step with you – which means you’re about to generate some revenue!

These are your buyers, which we talked about before.

  1. Add Images

After you include your call to action, it’s time to pretty up your report a little bit.

I’m not huge on adding images to every page of a report, but I do try to make
my stuff at least a little bit graphically appealing. You can go off the deep end
fast, by hiring an editor and having them mock up a design for the whole report.

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