
(itemelite) #1

Some Stuff You Need To Know

Not many people do email list management justice. Just because someone opted
into your newsletter doesn’t mean that they want to hear from you! Here are a
few things you’ll need to pay attention to make sure your emails get delivered,
make you money, and keep you out of the doghouse.

Double opt-in – make sure that people click a verification link in their email to
actually opt in to your list. This is BIG when it comes to spam complaints.

Non active subscribers – In our email marketing software we have it set up so
that after 120 days of not taking action, subscribers are automatically deleted off
of our lists. We do this for two reasons: it keeps our costs down and only people
who care about our content actually read our stuff!

Relevant subject lines – Make sure the subject line of the email is relevant to
what’s in the email (and stay away from ‘Notification of Payment Received’ or
other that imply they have made a sale or earned a commission or other
deceptive subject lines). People get upset if your subject line is misleading.

Advertisement announcement – Include somewhere in the email, preferably
the extreme bottom, that the email message is an advertisement, and for the
reader to assume that you are somehow making money from anything that they

Email frequency – Take note of how often you email, and what your responses
are from your list. Some lists mail daily. Others a few times a week. We’ve
found that it’s best to take breaks, and then follow that up with a 3 or 4 day
sequence of emails.

Up Next

Now that you’re email list is off and running, and you’ll be setting up a landing
page in the next few days, it’s time to talk about list management.

There are best practices when it comes to your list that you’re going to want to

I can’t say that we send billions of emails a year or anything like that, but we’ve
tested out a lot of different things including bonding messages, pitches,
webinars, and so on.

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