
(itemelite) #1

Before we get to writing email though, we need to take a step back and figure
out what exactly we’re trying to get our list to do – in micro-steps.

Our Goal In Writing Email Copy

Email copy is an interesting animal, in and of itself.

You see, your emails don’t typically do the selling for you. Sure, you can link
right to an order form and you’ll get a few sales, but the much more typical way
of using email to get buyers is to link to a sales page, like this:

The flow looks simple enough...

Email your prospect a link to your sales page, they click through to the order
form and buy!

Here’s the challenge though...

Not everyone on your will open your email, let alone click the link to the sales
page. (Some of them won't even receive your message, for various reasons.)

Which means there are a specific set of micro-actions associated with your
email, which’ll make the whole thing work.

(Note: the sooner you understand this idea of ‘micro-actions,’ the quicker you’ll
be able to turn your campaigns around! It took me a long time to figure this

For every person who receives your email, they all must do three things before
they hit your sales page:

  • They have to open your email

  • They must at least start to read your body copy

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