
(itemelite) #1

  • They need to click a link in your email

All of that has to happen BEFORE they see your sales page!

So, when you’re breaking down the results you get from your email marketing
campaign, take a step back and think about the metrics associated with those

How many people opened the email?

How many people clicked the link to the sales page?

Those are your defining metrics when it comes to email copy...

Here’s the thing though... The goal of your email isn’t to sell the product. The
goal is to get the click. Let the sales page sell the product!

Now, let’s talk about what you can do to get the best results possible from your
email, starting with the idea of ‘preframing.’

Preframing Correctly

Preframing is an NLP technique used by copywriters to get a prospect or user to
take action. The dictionary definition is “setting in advance the boundary
conditions of an experience or event, often then changing the outcome.”

You don’t need to get crazy into NLP or anything to understand how to use it

Basically, successfully preframing someone is all about setting them up to take
action on the next page, after they click the link in your email.

I’m actually running a paid traffic campaign in the photography niche right now
where we’re collecting email addresses. Right after they sign up, they get an
email from me with some email copy and a link to a sales page.

Rather than say, “Check out this photography course. It’s got lots of training on
picking the right camera, using Photoshop, and taking expert pictures...”

My email copy says, “Imagine using X technique to sharpen your clients
photos,” or “Y strategy really has served as inspiration for a lot of the landscape
photos that I’ve been taking...”

The conditions being: X technique, Y strategy

The experience or event being: their education after purchasing the product!

Make sense?

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