
(itemelite) #1

Preframing is the biggest difference between marketers who make HUGE
money and marketers who don’t.

You can use it everywhere, including:

  • Email messages you send out in your autoresponder

  • Landing pages that come before the actual product, like download
    pages, reviews, and advertorials

  • Sales copy you write, either as video sales letters or long form sales

  • Webinars that you do with your audience, talking about the benefits of
    a product before the product is revealed.

Unfortunately, it’s not something that you just get. It takes practice (or using a
tool like Scriptly).

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about your email copy!

Writing Solid Email Copy

Writing good, clickable email copy follows a specific formula that can be
mastered, as long as you start with an end result in mind.

Your entire email (and the whole autoresponder series that you’re writing to
promote a product) needs to accomplish one thing...

To get at least one click to the sales page.

You want as many people on your list as possible to click through, and
sometimes that takes a few emails to do!

Step 1: Start With The End In Mind

What do you want your email list to do?

Do you want them to read a blog post? Or click through to a sales page? Or
sign up for a brand new lead magnet? Or maybe, register for a free workshop
that you have coming up.

It’s rare that you’ll be sending your list an email without some specific action in

When you send an email, you’re:

  • Trying to build a relationship with them

  • Wanting to re-engage with them

  • Selling them something

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