
(itemelite) #1

Learn more about it here:

  1. Strategies to Personalize Your Upsells and Cross-Sells

Would you like fries with that? Research shows that upsells and cross-sells
count for more than 30% of eCommerce revenue. As shoppers, we are
accustomed to the standard sales tactics. Companies have more products. And
they want us to buy more. The problem arises when brands force us to buy
services we don’t want.

Here are five strategies you can use to add upsells and cross-sells into your mix:

Focus on Timing and Limitations

It's 50% easier to sell to existing customers than to find new ones, so focus on
them first.

Upsell to your customers when it makes the most sense, based on what they
recently purchased from you and how they answer when you survey them.

Add User-Generated Content

Encourage your customers to post reviews of your products and share them on
social media.

Facebook ads work very well for some businesses partly because they have
these social elements built in, such as the ability to like, share, and comment on
a post that you run as an ad.

Take a look at how does things in this area, with user reviews,
“people also liked,” user-created lists, and other cross-selling techniques.

Offer Personal Product Recommendations

Use words like you and your when cross-selling. This helps the customer
visualize themselves with your products.

Personalize your marketing communications wherever possible. Notice how
Amazon shows your name on the page when you are logged in. You can do the
same with email messages.

Test Different Payment Options

If you're selling something that costs more than a few dollars, try offering a
payment plan. A lot of customers can afford your product but may have cash

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