
(itemelite) #1

subject: Let's schedule time to talk tomorrow


Thanks for signing up for the XYZ consult. I'm excited to

Do any of these times work for you: 9 am, 1 pm, or 4 pm PT?

Let me know when works best, and I'll send a calendar invite.


Free Trial Signup

These leads can be tricky, since some of them are serious about becoming
paying customers and some are just taking the trial because it's free.

I recommend always collecting credit card information when offering free trials
and setting up the trial so it automatically rolls over to paid status when the trial
ends. Of course you need to be up front and clearly explain that the card will be
billed if the customer does not cancel before the trial ends. If you don't collect
payment details when offering trials, you will get a lot of fake signups, people
who aren't serious, and people who might want your service but don't have a
credit card to pay for it.

This is essentially assuming the sale, and it will save you a lot of time in
following up. You might choose to follow up only with those people who cancel
their trials, to find out why they canceled and see if there is some other way of
getting their business.

Content Signup

These leads are people who signed up for your email newsletter, to receive a
download, or registered for a webinar. Some of these people are serious about
buying, but many are just looking for more information.

You're probably best off just offering them additional content and letting them
come to you when they're ready for more.

Regardless of which type of lead you have, make things easy for them.

Free download pdf