
(itemelite) #1


Every few months I’ll read articles saying email marketing is close to dying. It
all starts with people saying “the warnings were always here” then they’ll go on
saying email marketing is going to be replaced with some new way to boost

But then, I’ll see a pop-up asking me to subscribe to their newsletter...

Let’s get one thing straight. You will always need to grow your email list. Email
marketing isn’t going anywhere, and it provides better results than social media
marketing in most cases. Just think at it this way:

When people subscribe to your content, read your newsletter, then click the link
to your website, they have a greater intent to buy than what you get from social
media platforms. The more people you get from email marketing to your
website, the more possible clients or buyers you have.

Email marketing isn’t going to disappear overnight, so buckle up and start
growing your email list.

Are blogs the easiest way to grow your email list?

It depends. While blogs don’t work for all online projects, they have a really
nice conversion rate for email lists because they provide you the means to get
people interested and provide them with the best content from your niche.

So, how do you grow your email list with the help of a business blog?

Offer them something in return.

Let’s say you provide social media services. To get people interested and grow

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