
(itemelite) #1

your email list, you can’t just write content and hope that people subscribe after
they get done reading your blog post, but the better way is to offer them
something in return for signing up.

Write up a lead magnet, a 10-page ebook on best social media practices or any
other important topic, and offer it free to those who subscribe to your email list.
Create a detailed report on the ROI from specific social media tactics with charts
and important data and provide it to people in exchange for their email address.
It doesn’t have to be complicated, it just has to get them interested.

To grow that email list, you’re going to want to put up a dedicated landing page
that’ll offer the freebie or implement a lead magnet plugin, in exchange for their
email address. That way, when folks visit the page, they have one of two
options... Sign up or leave!

Use CTAs as hooks for your email marketing strategy.

If you don’t have the time or resources to write ebooks or reports, you can try to
get people interested through the use of well-placed CTAs in your blog posts.
My advice would be to create several calls to action images and insert them in
your relevant blog posts.

Start looking at your blog categories and design at least one CTA for each active
category. You can add the CTAs at the bottom of the post or use a timed pop-up
to show them when the reader has finished reading the article.

Optimize your blog to grow your email list.

WordPress or any blogging CMS you may use will provide numerous ways you
can customize the layout of your blog or website. You can add widgets, pop-ups,
footers, and other ways to customize your blog and get people to sign up.

What to do: Spend some time and analyze your business blog layout. Search for
heat maps services and see what are the most active parts for your blog. Using
this information add subscribe forms or pop-ups to your layout. You can even
add a permanent sign-up form in the footer of your blog.

We use tools like:

  • Visual Website Optimizer (

  • Picreel (

  • Inspectlet (

  • Hotjar (

On almost any site we set up, whether we’re driving paid traffic to it or not, we
want to make sure that what we wants users to do – they actually do! Those four
tools will give you insight into what readers are ACTUALLY doing rather than
what you think they should be doing...

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