
(itemelite) #1

What NOT to do: Don’t go to the dark side and fill your blog posts and pages
with sign-up forms and pop-ups. If people have to close three pop-ups before
they can access your content, they will give up almost instantly.

Experiment and see what you can achieve by customizing your blog layout.
Keep a close eye on your traffic and ask for feedback.

Don’t forget about internal links!

I read several niche blogs, and I can’t help to wonder why aren’t they linking
their own content more.

You want to keep the visitor as much as you can on your website. Adding
internal links is a great way to reduce your website bounce rate and get more
page views. Think of it like this: if a visitor spends more time on your
website, the chances that he’ll join your email list will increase. It’s not
rocket science.

You can add links to other related blog posts in your articles or you can use
related posts plugins.

Always try to interact with your readers.

If you want to grow your email list, just writing top-notch content won’t be
enough. If you don’t interact with your readers, they won’t be interested in
interacting with you.

There are several ways to interact with blog readers.

Through blog comments. Low impact tactic, since you need someone to start a
conversation in the first place. I keep seeing how people just “like and share”
rather than leave a comment. To improve this, you may want to add Facebook
comments to your website or other comment platforms.

With the help of blog contests. This is so easy to do. If you want to step it up
and get people interested in your product, create a contest for your readers. Offer
big discount vouchers, relevant books, or gadgets as prizes to get your blog
readers interested.

Blog contests help you grow your email list in two big ways. You will get them
to spend more time on your company blog thus increasing the sign-up chances
(indirect) and by collecting their email when they participate in your contest

There are so many ways to grow your email list with the help of your company
blog. I just listed a few but I'm sure you can think of more.

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