
(itemelite) #1


Behavior segmentation is the darling of the Internet marketing world right now,
and for good reason.

By knowing what your prospects are doing and setting up systems that cater to
their interests and movement, you’re able to engage more of your audience by
sending fewer emails, creating a boatload of new revenue for your company.

Today, what I want to share with you is how to start setting up your systems the
right way, so you can engage with your list more effectively.

Truly, Scriptly’s Autoresponder Engine was built for this. Regardless of what
you sell, with the Autoresponder Engine, you’re able to craft your emails
intelligently, always catering to the individual subscribers in the different
segments of your email list.

Before we get started though, there are a few things that you’ll need, to pull off
behavioral segmentation, or dynamic segmentation as it’s sometimes called.

The first is an understanding of list segmentation, and how to put people in
different lists or categories based on tags.

And the second, you’ll need one of the more advanced email marketing
platforms, like Infusionsoft or Ontraport. You can pull some segmentation off in
Aweber and some of the others, but you’re limited to major actions someone on
your list takes – like purchases.

In Infusionsoft and OntraPort, you can put people in different lists based on a
URL that they visit, a link that they click, or a way that they fill out a form.

Before get into the specific campaigns that you can use to set up your
segmentation system, let’s first go through what a trigger is.

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