
(itemelite) #1

Tripping Triggers

In order to move someone from one list to another, there needs to be an event, or
a trigger, that happens.

When someone does this, they get added to this sequence. When they do that,
they get added to that sequence.

That’s not too complicated to figure out.

  • When someone goes to a product sales page on your site, they're
    automatically added to the email sequence that promotes said product.

  • If someone visits a thank you page on your site, it's because they just
    bought something. You'll want to deliver their product and sell them
    the next thing in your sales funnel.

  • Or, if someone from your list watches Video #1 in your launch process,
    you want them to then get added to the sequence that promotes Video
    #2 (and taken off of the Video #1 sequence).

  • Another example - if someone clicks a link in your email but doesn't
    watch the video on that page, you want to send them an additional
    email linking to the video (or asking them what happened!).

The possibilities are endless as to what you can do. The first thing to think about
though are triggers that need to happen in order to accomplish what you’re
trying to do.

A trigger is an action that your user either takes or doesn’t take. Some examples

  • Clicking a link in an email

  • Answering Question #4 of a survey this way

  • Visiting a page on your website

  • Opening an email

  • Buying something (or opting in for something)

  • Logging into your membership more than eight times

  • Adding a product to a shopping cart but not buying

  • Buying your front end product, but not your upsell.

In each of these situations, there are actions associated with your customers, and
you can use those actions to smartly automate and segment your list.

How we do it is by setting up a rule.

Setting Up Automation Rules

The automation rule that you set up in your system is the recipe. It’s the thing

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