
(itemelite) #1

If we have products for that interest, then they naturally go through those first.
If we don’t, we put them in a sequence with affiliate offers.

Go here to get the Survey Sequence:

Bonding Sequence

The Bonding Sequence again, does like it sounds.

After someone signs up for your list, you have a very small window to make an
impression on them and we do this by nurturing or bonding with them.

The bonding sequence typically goes out after your first product promotion, but
before the next. So, in the overall scheme of things, this sequence is the second
that they get added to.

What we want to do here is introduce them to us, what we stand for, who we are,
and what we do. One of the things we do inside Scriptly’s campaign to keep
clicks up is link to social profiles, so they can get a good look at who we are!

Go here to get the Bonding Sequence:

Direct Revenue Sequence

Now, the Direct Revenue Sequence is probably my favorite, to this day. In this
email autoresponder sequence, we ask a big question, much like the survey
sequence, with one major difference.

We have them email us their answer.

What this does is open the door for coaching and consulting offers to be made
through email or on the phone, and it’s resulted in the fastest money I’ve ever

In fact, you’ll see the Internet’s top gurus doing similar stuff about once a month
because it’s such a revenue driver in their business.

Go here to get the Direct Revenue Sequence:

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it. Behavioral Ssquencing and the email templates that’ll get
it done for you. Now, it’s your turn.

How do you plan on using these sequencing tips to generate more revenue?

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